August 31, 2023 by Edge Website Service

Personal website service launching today!


“Today, we are the managers of your resume, and your fabuluous stories!”

Hi! This Edge! Today is an important day for us: starting today, we begin our personal website design service! Since this is the first post, I would like to talk about the story of this service, why we do it?

Our president Chenshun Hong is an international student and two years ago, he also wanted to stand out when applying to universities. Despite having captivating projects and videos, he couldn’t share them directly. His counselor’s suggestion to build a website was costly and challenging. Nevertheless, his website garnered attention from university staff, who visited based on tracking. Now, applying for internships, Chenshun seeks innovation, as most personal description websites standard format feels monotonous. With friends, he developed Edge Website Service—an exciting venture launching today!

Sharing this story doesn’t guarantee securing your dream school or job(I want), but it significantly boosts the odds. Put yourself in the staff’s shoes—reading identical resumes all day. Now, imagine encountering a beautifully crafted website showcasing clear personal info, posts, videos, and social profiles. Would you remember me amid the sea of applicants? The answer is likely yes.

We all born differently, so the most powerful strength you have is actually yourself. Through our design process, we will help you to figure out who you are from a subjective perspective. Belive me, you will be amazed by your potential! And then, let’s make everyone be amazed and get into the next step of your beautiful life!