December 31, 2023 by Chenshun Hong

New Year, New Visions


Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! It’s the end of this year. I wanna talk something here for all of us thirteen members.

One day before I left Van, I had lunch with Marcus, and his friend. He asked me a very good question: why you founded EDGE and what’s your goal?

This March, I was under Great Depression, even couldn’t organize my daily life. Mental health counselor told me to do something that made me happy. I mean, what is happy? My definition is something can push me to pay full energy and attention to work on everyday. Fortunately, I had this experience when I founded the first gaming club in my city, when I founded social media account on WeChat for international students and school connections. The something for me this time is EDGE. I founded EDGE, starting with game MOD, then website development, and come to this stage.

EDGE has many goals, but ultimately, we want to develop a real product, able to sell based on proper business plan. For this goal, we can approach other goals we want, including produce device for our passion, enhance our skills and build a great resume for our future, and develop a professional network.

We don’t have hierarchy. The thing I am doing here is to gather you guys with honor. I tried to build EDGE as a small and beautiful company. Yeah, startup company. I respect you guys. Each one is talented. Someone hard to find in your daily life. The only thing I can do to thank you guys is to lead the company to the light future and help everyone become the better person.

This new year is challenging for us. I want to make something. We will develop our first game, our smart home eco-system, formalize our company, and find more opportunities to improve ourselves. As the new year coming, I will push EDGE to work properly and set clear mechanisms for the company. I promise, as long as I am leading, I will try my best to not upset anyone here and use my heart to think for everyone.

Happy new year!

Regards, Chenshun